The Warriors are in action at State Duals today in Kearney. Good Luck Boys!
Mrs. Waddington - High School Staff Warrior of the Month for January! She sets high expectations for her students,has created a good working relationship with students and staff, and has instilled a love of reading into our students.
Mrs. Maple - Elem. Staff Warrior of the Month for January! She has done a great job being involved in both the school and community while being at Neligh-Oakdale. She is friendly, positive and great to work with.
Evelyn Johnson - 6th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is such a kind warrior that gives her best in everything that she does. Her random acts of kindness to her peers and teachers do not go unnoticed. Keep up the great work, Evelyn!
Evelyn Wingate-5th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is a great team leader in the classroom, redirects group members in a positive way & makes sure classmates are heard. She always helps out in the classroom at the end of the day, & consistently shows the Warrior Way.
Caleigh King - 4th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is a leader in the classroom when it comes to listening and participating. She always puts forth her best effort and is so responsible about completing her work well.
Haylee Mooney-3rd Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is a great role model for her peers & tries her best in every situation. She exemplifies the Warrior Way in all forms. She is respectful, responsible & has a positive attitude even when things get hard.
Raegan Knievel-2nd Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is very responsible, always has her homework completed, returns library books & tries her best to think through problems & use her best handwriting. She is a good friend & helps others to be great Warriors.
Hadlee Sehi-1st Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is happy to be @ school, is patient & kind, a great example to classmates by always being positive, responsible & respectful in the classroom & follows directions quietly, raises her hand to talk & has a great attitude!
First Graders have been studying about the history of the Earth in CKLA. Today they created the layers of the Earth - inner core, outer core, mantle, and crust in a visual model with different colors of pudding and Oreos!
Rose Hoffman - Kindergarten Warrior of the Month for January! Rose comes to school with a positive attitude & ready to learn, she does a nice job of getting her work done on time & shows how to be a responsible warrior. She asks for clarification when needed & helps her peers.
Silas Blood - Preschool Warrior of the Month for January! Silas always has a smile when he comes to school. He is a great friend and is very helpful. His teachers can always count on him to be ready to learn and listen. Silas does a great job showing the Warrior Way!
Good Luck Lady Warriors! Girls Sub District Wrestling @ West Holt today. Fan parking is in front of the school and on the West side of the school. Admission - Adults $9 and Students $7. Livestream:
The WW students celebrated being 100 days smarter today!
Cody Timm - 7th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! He is always smiling and treats his teachers and classmates with respect and positivity at all times.
Rylee Tillema - 8th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is always responsible, respectful, and positive. Rylee does a great job being the student manager for basketball.
Josslyn Hoefer - 9th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is responsible about getting her work ahead of time when she is going to be gone from school. She always does her best and has a positive attitude about learning.
Sydney Shabram - 10th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! She is always striving to do well in school, always has her work done, and is respectful to all her teachers.
Chase Thomas - 11th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! He is responsible about getting all his work done ahead of time when gone for FCCLA or Wrestling. Chase is also bringing in speakers for students to learn about different careers at lunch.
Kegan Payne - 12th Grade Warrior of the Month for January! He has been a good role model in Warrior Time. He is always willing to participate and share his thoughts to help facilitate discussions on Wednesdays during Warrior Time.