Neligh-Oakdale Schools serve the youth of Neligh, Oakdale, and the rural areas that make up District Number Nine, Antelope County. The school district encompasses 132 square miles. Average class size is 13 students, and 25 students per grade. In the 2021-2022 school year, 379 students were enrolled in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade. The elementary grades are housed in two buildings. Grades PK-2 attend the Westward facility located on the west side of Neligh. Grades 3-6 classrooms are located on the first floor of the junior-senior high building. The high school and junior high facilities consist of a four-building complex. The high school offers a comprehensive curriculum and a full slate of extra-curricular activities as well.

Neligh-Oakdale Public School is looking for energetic, team players to join our outstanding Support Staff. Working at the school provides you an opportunity to work with students and staff in a fun, ever-changing environment. We are looking for detail-oriented leaders with outstanding organizational skills. If interested, please inquire at the High School office to get an application. You may also reach us at (402) 887-4166 or by emailing Neligh-Oakdale Public Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Custodian (12-Month / Full Benefits)
Openings for the 2024-2025 School Year
Paraprofessional (9-Months / Benefits)
Substitute Paraprofessional
Nutrition Services (9-Months / Benefits)
Bus Drivers
7-12 Science Teacher